What we do
Awen Libraries
Awen directly manages six full-time libraries, two part-time community libraries and the Books on Wheels home delivery service across Bridgend. We also support and stock two community libraries in venues staffed and managed by Halo Leisure and manage a large book reserve. Our Local and Family History resource in Maesteg houses a substantial collection of research materials.

Awen Libraries are accessible, warm and welcoming spaces, with friendly, professional staff on hand to assist customers.
We are committed to improving the literacy of people of all ages; supporting reading for pleasure through initiatives such as the Summer Reading Challenge; enhancing wellbeing and tackling digital exclusion through events and activities; and providing unbiased access to sources of trusted information.
We were the first library service in Wales to remove fines for overdue books.
Books On Wheels
If you are confined to your home or have trouble getting around, we provide a free library service directly to your door.
For those who are confined to their home, or have difficulty getting about our Books on Wheels service will bring the library to your door.
We visit hundreds of people each month delivering books, DVDs and audiobooks to customers who aren’t able to reach our community libraries. You can browse and order books at home through our online catalogue, or ask our friendly, fully trained staff to choose books for you. We have a wide range of large print and audio books for visually-impaired clients to choose from, and can also support audiobook downloads. If you feel you or a relative would benefit from this service, then please contact us to chat through your requirements.