The headsets were available in Bridgend libraries from the week commencing 17th June, with some dates left, giving the people of Bridgend an opportunity to experience virtual reality with the support of library staff. Virtual reality is an exciting way to experience a story. However, the headsets used in order to provide these experiences…
Our Stories
The tiny computers, donated by The Microbit Foundation, will allow people of all ages, whatever their experience, to unleash their digital creativity whilst in the comfort of their own home. BBC micro:bits are handheld, fully programmable computers which can be used to make all sorts of creations, from musical instruments to robots, smart watches…
Awen libraries are calling for children to sign up to read six books this summer as part of Animal Agents, the Summer Reading Challenge 2017. The Summer Reading Challenge asks 4-11 year olds to borrow and read any six library books during the school holidays, a time when children’s literacy skills traditionally dip. This…